「海洋進入人類世」 科學家追有孔蟲足跡 平均朝南北極移動602公里

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:Carbon Brief



取自加勒比海沈積物的浮游性有孔蟲。圖片提供:Michal Kucera。






主要作者、布來梅大學博士後研究員容克斯(Lukas Jonkers)博士解釋:「我們使用沉積物捕集器來瞭解現代物種群聚。沉積物捕集器是個大漏斗,高約2公尺,安裝在海底,能攔截從海洋表面落下的所有東西。因此能有效幫助研究人員瞭解沉積物中有些什麼。」












科學家搭乘研究船在北大西洋海域執行任務,取回沈積物捕集器(sediment trap)。圖片提供:MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; C. Schmidt

Climate change is driving plankton towards the poles, study says

Communities of zooplankton – microscopic drifting animals that underpin marine ecosystems – are migrating poleward in response to climate change, a study finds.

By comparing ancient sediment cores to modern-day plankton distribution data, the research concludes that zooplankton communities across the globe have shifted by an average of 602km since pre-industrial times.

The findings, published in Nature, show that “marine ecosystems have entered the Anthropocene”, the lead author tells Carbon Brief.

The global shift in zooplankton populations could have knock-on impacts for the marine life that feed on them, ranging from “fish to whales”, another scientist tells Carbon Brief.

From jellyfish to baleen whales, a huge variety of marine life feeds on plankton. “Plankton” is a catch-all term referring to tiny organisms that float in water. The research paper focuses on “zooplankton” or animal plankton, as opposed to “phytoplankton” (plant plankton).

Zooplankton is made up of microscopic, often single-celled organisms, as well as the eggs and larvae of larger animals, such as krill, jellyfish and crabs.

For the study, the researchers compare the distribution of zooplankton communities in the modern day to those in the pre-industrial era.

To gather data from pre-industrial times, the researchers took sediment samples from the first centimetre of the seabed in different sites across the world.

The study focused on a group of zooplankton known as foraminifera – which have hard outer shells that can stay preserved in sediment for centuries, explains lead author Dr Lukas Jonkers, a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Bremen. He tells Carbon Brief:

“To get an idea of the modern species communities, we used sediment traps. Sediment traps are big funnels – they’re about two metres high – and they are attached to the sea floor. They intercept everything that falls from the surface ocean so, in that sense, you get a very good picture of what should be below in the sediment.”

Shifting seafood

The results show that modern-day zooplankton communities differ from those in the nearest ancient sediment site and that the “degree of dissimilarity scales with temperature change”, the authors write in their research paper:

“This suggests planktonic foraminifera communities have changed considerably since the pre-industrial period and that they have done so to the magnitude of local temperature change.”

The authors also found that most modern-day plankton communities were more similar to ancient samples found further away – suggesting that communities had shifted their location over time.

By comparing pre-industrial and modern-day plankton samples, they calculated that the average community had shifted 602km poleward from pre-industrial times to today. However, the degree of displacement ranged from 45 to 2,557km – dependent on the degree of sea surface temperature change.

In the northern hemisphere, it was found that plankton communities had shifted northwards in response to warming, Jonkers says:

“We’re not seeing new species or new species compositions, we’re just seeing that the same species have moved with temperature change. In most cases, this is caused by warming – because almost everywhere in the ocean is warming. But in some cases, the ocean is cooling – then we see a shift towards colder communities.”

The shift in plankton communities towards the poles could be a harbinger of how ocean warming is impacting marine ecosystems, Jonkers says:

“We think that these findings are indicative of what is happening in marine ecosystems. If you take that assumption, it means that most species have moved their distribution.”

However, while some species that feed on zooplankton will be able to follow it to cooler waters, others may not be able to adapt to these new conditions, he says:

“Conditions may be different. For example, if you move north, you will face a longer summer season, so the light conditions may be different. All ecological networks will need to be reestablished, and we don’t know if all the species can do so and if they can do so quick enough.”

The findings suggest that the world’s oceans have entered the “Anthropocene”, he adds:

“Marine ecosystems have entered the Anthropocene. The changes that we are seeing are now big enough that we can say that these communities are different than before human influence.”

※ 全文及圖片詳見:Carbon Brief

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